Latest Episodes
086: Our Statement of Faith
This week, we renew our statement of faith, talking about why we make this podcast and why we view art as a Gospel issue....
085: Mental Health and Christianity
THE CHRISTIAN ARTIST RETURNS! We're back with regular episodes of ye ol' podcast, where we strive to honor Christ through creativity, and talk about...
084: Our Review of Ruelle's Rival
This week we review Ruelle's new EP, Rival, and talk about the artist and general and why we love her music so much. If...
83: Caleb's Anime Recommendations
Caleb is here with a solo episode of the Christian Artist, since Connor is in Kentucky! He talks about the recent anime binge he...
82: Our Review of Nothing Left To Lose (And Other Randomness)
This week we attempt to do a review of the themes present in Dan Wells' John Cleaver series (which we've talked about before on...
81: Our Review of Wonder Woman
This week on The Christian Artist, we dig into the good and the bad of DC's new Wonder Woman movie. We both really enjoyed...