This week we review the Western action-adventure movie we just saw! "The Magnificent Seven" was an absolutely phenomenal film, and we're so excited to talk about it. Also, if you like role-playing games, you will love this movie. So, seriously, go see it, and if you're not convinced you should watch it, listen to the first part of the episode and listen to us pitch it for you :)
This week we have our friend Ross on to talk about having a Christ-like tone in the art you create. LINKS:TwitterYouTubeTwitchPatreonCaleb's WebsiteDiscord
AJ is back! And we talk about awesome stuff. Namely, the way Jesus told stories, the way we should tell stories, and somehow in...
Honoring Christ through creativity. This week we discuss politics and Christianity and how they intersect with Isaac Dorenkamp. LINKS:TwitterYouTubeTwitchPatreonCaleb's WebsiteDiscord