This week we're reviewing the movie that was made based off of the first book in the John Cleaver series by Dan Wells. It was a fantastic watch, and though we give it a bit of a content warning (some dark themes, violence, and language), it's definitely worth checking out if you like the books the movie is based off of. Oh, and this time our good friend Miki comes on to the podcast to help us with the review (she watched the movie as well)! If you want to listen to the episode we did reviewing the book series, check out this link.
Honoring Christ through creativity. This week we continue our series on households and have Carly's dad Brian on to talk about using our resources...
This week, Caleb and Carly talk about the art they've been consuming and creating...again! LINKS:TwitterYouTubeTwitchPatreonCaleb's WebsiteDiscord
Honoring Christ through creativity. This week we talk with Joshua Jenkins about architecture and why it should matter to the Christian. LINKS:TwitterYouTubeTwitchPatreonCaleb's WebsiteDiscord