This week we attempt to answer a listener question and instead end up going a little off-topic and answering tangential things that may or may not help our listener. Sorry, Carly. We'll answer your question in detail soon. We also reference Caleb's favorite podcast, Writing Excuses, which we absolutely recommend for all the advice you could ever want on brainstorming, writing, editing/revising, and publishing speculative fiction. Seriously, go check out this podcast.
This week we have our friend Ross on to talk about having a Christ-like tone in the art you create. LINKS:TwitterYouTubeTwitchPatreonCaleb's WebsiteDiscord
This week we talk about how we started The Christian Artist, tips on podcasting, and our journey so far. LINKS:TwitterYouTubeTwitchPatreonCaleb's WebsiteDiscord
This week we answer a listener question on characters in fiction, go on dozens of tangents, and lament on our lack of pithiness. Oh,...