This week we finish our mini-series on speculative fiction, tackling story creation from a purely plot perspective, rather than a character or setting perspective. We use two different plotting methods: the Seven Point Story Structure and Orson Scott Card's MICE Quotient, to build the outline of an urban fantasy story. In the process, we come up with some great character and setting elements that support the plot's goal--a mystery/political intrigue enveloped within an underdog sports story enveloped within an urban fantasy setting involving a hierarchy of music gods that might want to take over the world.
In the process, we talk about Death Note, Fullmetal Alchemist, and BBC's Robin Hood. Oh, and if you're wondering more about the eschatology we hit on in the last part of the podcast, check out books by either Gary DeMar or Kenneth Gentry.
This week we review Ruelle's new EP, Rival, and talk about the artist and general and why we love her music so much. If...
This week, we listen to two (technically, three) tracks from the 2007 album Conquering the Fear of Flight from the band Wavorly and review...
This week we do fun trivia and reminisce on one hundred episodes of The Christian Artist. LINKS:TwitterYouTubeTwitchPatreonCaleb's WebsiteDiscord