Since we recorded this on Carly's eighteenth birthday, we thought it would be good to talk about growing up, getting older, and having responsibility, since it's been on all of our minds of late. Come join us for a slightly frazzled and technically difficult episode as we discuss what Scripture has to say about the youth, age, and sanctification.
Also, because we keep forgetting to give the proper shout-outs when we're doing episodes, here's a written shout-out for Josh Vincent and Ethan Stoltzfus, two of my patrons who give monthly to help us do what we do here on The Christian Artist!
This week the cast helps Caleb worldbuild a mega-story and setting. LINKS:TwitterYouTubeTwitchPatreonCaleb's WebsiteDiscord
This week, Caleb and Carly talk about the art they've been consuming and creating...again! LINKS:TwitterYouTubeTwitchPatreonCaleb's WebsiteDiscord
This week, following our episode on legalism, we'll be talking about the opposite side of the coin: Christian liberty. We'll listen to an Emery...